Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The Mother's Day campaign distributes 300 euros in gift vouchers to spend at local businesses (29/05/2018)

The City of San Pedro del Pinatar has welcomed this morning the delivery of gift vouchers for the Mother's Day commercial campaign, promoted by the Department of Commerce and the Union of Pinatarenses Entrepreneurs.

The mayor, Visitación Martínez, has pointed out that the City Council is promoting various measures for the promotion and promotion of local trade, such as these promotional campaigns or the recent approval of the Trade Plan.

For its part, the councilor of Commerce, Lydia Sanchez, announced that in June will be held, this time on social networks, another campaign to mark the holidays, which will be detailed in the coming days.

The secretary of the Union of Employers of Pinar del Rio, José Luis Oliván, has shown the willingness of this association to carry out and promote initiatives like this, in collaboration with the City Council, and has urged the commercial sector to participate and be involved in them.

A total of 100 shops participated in this Mother's Day campaign, distributing more than 9,000 ballots to their customers, six winners who had made their purchases as part of this campaign.

The establishments that have distributed the winning checks have been 'Ciclos Galera', 'Carnatería Yayo', 'Confectionery El Artesano', 'Confectionery La Delicia', 'La Mercería' and 'La Tienda'.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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