Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


Poetic tribute to the Virgin of Carmen (06/07/2018)

The Museum of the Sea of ​​San Pedro del Pinatar organized a recital of poetry, stories and music to praise the figure of the Virgen del Carmen, in Mar Menor and the work of fishermen.

The Museum of the Sea of ​​San Pedro del Pinatar was the appropriate setting to kick off the program of events in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, a festivity declared of Regional Tourist Interest.

Thus, the authors Santiago R. Hernandez Saez, Francisco Ferrer Carbonell, Vicente García Hernández, Gema Bocardo, José Antonio Albaladejo Lucas, Francisco Javier Illán Vivas, and Pepi Sánchez Serrano, recited poems and stories in honor of the figure of the Virgin of Carmen , patroness of the men of the Sea, fishermen and the Mar Menor.

The recital, coordinated by Benito Pérez, director of the Museum of the Sea and Mª José Navarro, had the musical accompaniment of the Murcian singer-songwriter, Josué Hueso.

Among the large audience that enjoyed this simple and emotional act was the mayor of the town, Visitación Martínez, the councilor for Culture and Tourism, Silvia Egea and members of the fishermen's association and the Association of the Virgen del Carmen.

The acts in honor of the Virgen del Carmen will continue next week with the preparatory triduum.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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