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Citizens promote a Protected Geographical Indication and protection measures for the Mar Menor in the regional budget agreement (10/01/2019)

"We do not forget the Mar Menor, and we have introduced items that will result in better protection of our salt lake," says regional spokesman Miguel Sánchez

Ciudadanos has renewed its commitment to the Mar Menor and its region in the budget agreement signed with the regional government for 2019, which includes numerous measures for San Javier, San Pedro del Pinatar and Los Alcázares.

In a hearing in which the spokesmen of the training were also present in the three municipalities -Antonio Murcia, José Luis Ros and Esperanza Balsalobre, respectively-, the regional spokesman, Miguel Sánchez, stressed that "the extension of the free text, which thanks to Citizens and was introduced last year in regional budgets, will assume that more than 4,000 families will not suffer the dreaded 'September cost' and enjoy free books for their children.

We are talking about a measure that benefits 1,900 families in San Pedro del Pinatar, 1,468 in San Javier and 678 in Los Alcázares, for a total of 4,064 beneficiaries. "

The other major measure introduced by Ciudadanos is the first phase of free education from zero to three years.

"We have achieved the free registration in the centers dependent on the Autonomous Community, such as San Javier, located in La Manga," said Sanchez.

In addition, families with fewer resources can benefit from a tax deduction of 100 euros per month when enrolling their children in the five municipal nursery schools (three in San Javier, two in San Pedro and one in Los Alcázares) and the rest of the centers of the Mar Menor region.

"It is a measure clearly aimed at improving the work-life balance of our families," said the orange spokesman.

Regarding territorialized measures, Sanchez has placed emphasis on the promotion of a Protected Geographical Indication for fish and shrimp from the Mar Menor "that we believe will provide an impetus for the important fishing sector of the Comarca thanks to the 200,000 euros introduced in the regional budget thanks to Ciuadanos ".

In this sense, Miguel Sánchez has also highlighted the help for the work of the seafront of Los Alcázares, which will involve an investment of 186,764 euros "and will improve its already the high tourist attraction of a municipality that has suffered a lot in the last years".

Another of the concrete measures to be highlighted is the departure of 60,000 euros that Citizens has obtained for maritime transport through the Mar Menor between La Ribera and La Manga, "a measure that will surely have a benefit for our ecosystem and medium ambient".

With regard to the Mar Menor, after the 28.8 million euros introduced last year, Citizens has managed items such as more than 15 million euros for the promotion of organic farming or 12 million in reforestation, "which will redound in less discharges to the Mar Menor and will encourage its environmental recovery ".

After the appearance, those responsible for Citizens have visited the nursing home of San Pedro del Pinatar.

The local spokesman, José Luis Ros, recalled that it will have almost 200,000 euros for improvement and adaptation works.

The orange spokesman has also highlighted the impact of the reduction of the regional section of the IRPF, which Citizens adds to the practical elimination of the unjust Inheritance and Donations Tax last year.

"We are a responsible party, for which we regret that the mismanagement of the PP government in recent years, which has generated a regional debt of more than 9,300 million euros, has prevented deepening in this tax decrease, which was already contemplated in the investiture agreement that we signed in 2015 with the regional executive, "said Sánchez.

A large part of the 6,221 self-employed people of the Mar Menor Region are also benefiting from the increase of the so-called 'zero quota' in the second year of their activity.

For the spokesman, "it is a measure to return those who with their effort, and lifting the blind every day, helped to start to get us out of the crisis.

According to the data of ATA, we would be talking about 835 freelancers in Los Alcázares;

2,242 in San Javier and 1,572 in San Pedro del Pinatar, many times professionals in the tourism and hospitality sector ".

Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia

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