The Laboratory of Journalism and Communication for Plural Citizenship, of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ??has awarded the San Pedro del Pinatar consistory 100 points in its validation carried out for all the municipalities of the Region of Murcia. The website and transparency portal of the City of San Pedro del Pinatar have obtained 100 points in the study on information quality, citizen participation and transparency prepared by the journalism and communication laboratory for plural citizens of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The councilor of the area, Fuensanta García, explained that this study values ??the quality of the institutional information, in the contents related to the local Government Board, the municipal plenary sessions, the government plan, etc. The relationship with citizens is also evaluated, through participatory deliberation processes, participation bodies, good practice projects, etc.
In addition to economic information, contracting and services, urban planning and the environment, and city, which includes information related to the history, tourism of the municipality and its social, energy and economic analysis. Fuensanta García explained that these parameters have been analyzed by specialists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ??granting the highest score to the City of San Pedro del Pinatar for complying with all the requirements established in the Law and making an effort to make it the most didactic and useful for all citizens who need our services or any data.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar