| The Spanish salt flats claim the Atlantic and Mediterranean landscapes where "an essential food is produced, the fruit of sea water, sun and wind" | The Spanish Association of Sea Salt Producers (Salimar) joins the call #ParksForHeatlh in the more than 7,200 natural hectares that bring together 230 species of fauna and flora that provide a unique ecological value in Europe Salimar has defended today, before the celebration on Sunday May 24 of the European Day of Natural Parks 2020, the unique qualities of the ecological Atlantic and Mediterranean spaces in which the natural production of sea salt in our country is located. In Spain, in the more than 7,200 hectares of the five associated companies, work is carried out to produce sea salt in symbiosis with nature, in ecosystems essential for the creation of an ingredient as vital as it is natural.
These environments are an ideal habitat for more than 230 species of fauna and flora, "as necessary for our work as our work is for them," according to associate producers. In this sense, Salimar has joined the call #ParksForHealth that governs the motto of the celebration of the present edition of the European Day of Natural Parks with a claim: that the spaces in which "an essential food in our diet is obtained, sea ??salt, from the action of the wind and the sun on the sea water, are valued and their work is recognized as generators of ecosystems and bastions of biodiversity.
" "The Spanish salt works we work a production and harvests in a secular way in Mediterranean natural areas, such as Es Trenc (Mallorca), Ibiza, Formentera, Punta de la Banya (Tarragona), Santa Pola (Alicante), San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia) and Atlantic, such as Puerto Real, San Fernando or El Puerto de Santa María, in the province of Cádiz, "they point out from Salimar. Precisely, the Spanish Association of Producers of Sea Salt adds the #naturalmentesalmarina tag to invite consumers to incorporate it into the photos and messages they share on social networks of this ingredient or one of the natural places that are part of the catalog of the associated facilities on the European Day of Natural Parks. All in all, from Salimar they recommend to continue practicing this Sunday, May 24, #quedateencasa "until the state of alarm and its restrictions last due to the Covid crisis19". Threats to the continuity of these habitats Salt mining eminently depends on climatic factors, therefore, phenomena such as the recent DANA (isolated depression at high levels) that wreaked havoc throughout the Mediterranean basin, are a threat that the Spanish salt flats deal with.
In addition to material damage, the production of sea salt is seriously affected by these torrential rains. On the other hand, from the public administrations, with instruments such as the Coastal Law, in many cases the maintenance and updating of the structures typical of sea salt works (factories and other dependencies, roads ...) is limited with the excuse of defense of the local fauna and flora habitat.
This is paradoxical since, without the role of the salt flats, these ecosystems would disappear and many birds would migrate forever.
In addition, the seizure of these lands based on the aforementioned law, discourages the investment and continuity of these industries, truly endangering these natural spaces. Natural sites of the Association of Producers of Sea Salt (Salimar) Ebro Delta Natural Park (Tarragona). This natural park was declared as such in August 1983 and is declared a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) and included in the RAMSAR List of Wetlands of International Importance.
Therefore, its importance as an ornithological destination is evident. The Salinas de la Trinidad are located in Punta de la Banya, on the Alfacs peninsula, at the western end of the Ebro Delta, in the province of Tarragona and linked to the mainland by the Trabucador beach.
In its 970 hectares of exploitation an unrepeatable ecological habitat of aquifers and humid zones with different degrees of salinization and micro habitats very rich in nutrients is generated where 85% of the population of the endangered Corsican gull nests and maintains its scarce density, or inhabits the only colony of flamingos that breed in Catalonia, as well as a dense population of ducks and waders of the most numerous in Spain. Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park. This very important wetland is located in the Port of Santa María, declared as such in July 1989.
It was declared a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) in 2003 and is part of the RAMSAR List of Wetlands of International Importance.
He has carried out projects in collaboration with the Department of the Environment of the Andalusian Government: "Project for the Restoration of Riversides and Wetlands in the province of Cádiz", to promote certain species of bird larolimícolas, and "Project for the reintroduction of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) ". There are various saltworks, such as the one at El Estanquillo, located in San Fernando, where important mixed colonies of larolimicolae coexist, with bird species as diverse as: charrancito and avoceta, plover, flamingos or ospreys.
Another example of synergy between the salt exploitation and the local fauna and flora. Salinas de Santa Pola Natural Park (Alicante). It occupies an area of ??more than 2,500 hectares of protected land in which, thanks to the salt exploitation, a rich, growing and full of life ecosystem is maintained.
In the heart of the park (thus recognized since 1994), the salt activity of Bras del Port takes place.
The extraordinary environmental values ??of this ecosystem for birdlife support its recognition as a Special Protection Area for birds (SPA), in addition to being included in the RAMSAR Convention list since 1990, as a wetland of great international relevance. This place stands out for its enormous biodiversity and the presence of various endemisms (species that only exist in this habitat), such as the limonium santapolense (plant) or the fartet (fish).
More than 40 species are part of our ecosystem, to which are added various plant species typical of coastal dunes, such as the reed.
It is remarkable the presence of numerous colonies of birds among which flamenco undoubtedly stands out, a symbol of the salt flats. Among the most significant architectural elements, the Torre del Tamarit stands out, a defensive construction that dates back to the 16th century for monitoring the coast against attacks by Berber pirates. Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos (Mallorca) Maritime-Terrestrial Natural Park. The Natural Park has a surface of 1500 hectares that cover from the virgin sandy ground of more than 3 kilometers long that constitutes the beach of Es Trenc, the adjacent area where we find a dynamic ecosystem formed by different strips of dunes with vegetation adapted to excess wind and salinity like salicornia and pine and juniper forests.
To these land extensions, there are some 2,300 marine hectares that encompass the islets of Na Llarga, Illot Gros, Illot de Sa Llova and Illa Gavina. Likewise, the extensive Salobrar Wetland has a great ecological value, since many migratory birds stop there.
Its richness in ecosystems favors the presence of 171 species of birds, in addition to numerous native plants.
Its extension is 330 hectares in it the salt exploitation is carried out. Parque Natural Ses Salines de Ibiza y Formentera (Islas Baleares). En 2001 esta reserva natural fue declarada parque Natural y es Zona de Especial Protección para las aves (ZEPA).
Además, los estanques de Ses Salines están incluidos en el listado creado por el convenio RAMSAR de humedales de importancia internacional y son un auténtico tesoro para los birdwatchers, pues en ellas unas 210 especies de aves descansan y anidan en sus migraciones, como flamencos, zampullines cuellinegros, o cigüeñuelas. También a nivel de flora, este parque recoge una magnífica representación de la mayoría de especies vegetales existentes en las islas pitiusas (pinares y sabinares, salicornia, entre otras muchas). Las aguas que bañan este parque natural son tan puras y cristalinas, que la práctica del buceo se convierte en un verdadero privilegio.
Ello se debe a las inmensas praderas deposidonia oceánicaque cubren su fondo marino, de gran valor ecológico y declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
Esta planta exclusiva de nuestro mar, limpia y oxigena las aguas, manteniendo además la dinámica natural del sistema de dunas. Parque Regional Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia). Este parque se extiende entre los municipios de San Pedro del Pinatar y San Javier y tiene una extensión de unas 850 hectáreas que incluyen cerca de 6 kilómetros de franja litoral mediterránea.
Debido a los elevados valores naturales de este humedal, su declaración como espacio protegido regional se remonta a 1992.
Fue incluido en el listado RAMSAR en 1994 y en 1998 fue designado como Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves (ZEPA). La diversidad de especies de flora y fauna (garzas, flamencos, cigüeñuelas, fartet, carrizo, pinos…), junto con las actividades tradicionales en armonía con el entorno, como la pesca en "Las Encañizadas" o la explotación salinera, convierten a este espacio natural protegido en un ejemplo de desarrollo sostenible. Breve resumen cronológico Declaración como Parque Natural: Parque Natural del Delta del Ebro, declarado como P.N.
en 1983. Parque Natural de las Salinas de Santa Pola (Alicante), declarado como P.N.
en 1994. Parque Natural Ses Salines de Ibiza y Formentera (Islas Baleares), declarado como P.N.
en 2001. Parque Natural Bahía de Cádiz, declarado como P.N.
en 2002. Parque Natural marítimo-terrestre Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos (Islas Baleares), declarado como P.N.
en 2017. Parque Regional Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar, declarado como Parque Regional en 1992 Salimar La Asociación Española de Productores de Sal Marina, Salimar, se constituyó en 2019 con el objetivo dar a conocer las características y beneficios de la sal marina, promover su consumo responsable en beneficio de la salud y reivindicar la función medioambiental de una industria sin la cual no existirían ecosistemas de enorme riqueza, en los que viven y nidifican centenares de especies animales. Las empresas asociadas en Salimar son Marítima de Sales (Cádiz), Infosa (Tarragona), Salinas d'Es Trenc (Mallorca), Salinera Española (Ibiza y Murcia) y Bras del Port (Alicante).
Entre las cinco suman un total de 7.200 hectáreas, con una capacidad productiva media de 720.000 toneladas anuales de sal marina. La sal marina está presente en infinidad de aplicaciones que van del consumo humano a la industria alimentaria pasando por la industria química o el tratamiento de agua.
La facturación de las empresas asociadas ronda los 50 millones de euros al año.
Source: Agencias