The Department of Social Welfare of San Pedro del Pinatar, has launched a project of personalized attention to adolescents, young people and families of Pinatarenses and support to Secondary Education centers for the individualized treatment of students with addiction problems.This service tries to provide teachers and families with effective tools to deal with situations of young people and adolescents who have started in the consumption of both legal substances (mainly alcohol and tobacco) and illegal (cannabis, cocaine, etc.) or abuse of addictive behaviors , offering individualized and close attention, guidance to families and a guide to guidance teams in educational centers.Thus, it will be the counselors of the municipal institutes themselves who refer the cases to Social Services so that a psychologist from Proyecto Hombre schedules the intervention with the educational center.The councilor of the area, Fuensanta García, as very positive for the educational community, the families and the young people of the town who would give the first step for free to deal with these addiction problems through personalized sessions and recalled that the municipality, bet also for actions aimed at prevention through workshops and informative talks.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar