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[Users of the Aidemar Day Center sweeten Christmas to elderly people in situations of emotional vulnerability (15/12/2020)

In collaboration with the Department of Social Services of San Pedro del Pinatar and Obra Social La Caixa The Aidemar Day Center of San Pedro del Pinatar in collaboration with the Department of Social Services of the San Pedro del Pinatar City Council and Obra Social La Caixa launch the SOLIDARITY CHRISTMAS project, which will offer emotional support to the older people of the municipality who are during this Christmas season in a situation of emotional vulnerability. Throughout this project, the users of the Day Center will contact interested persons through video calls in order to offer them support and company during these holidays.

In addition, the boys and girls of the Extensive Support Workshops of the center have prepared personalized Christmas cards and the users of the Ceramics Workshop have made some details in ceramics that Social Services will do reach all participants. This initiative is part of the community intervention project "Social Volunteering" that the day center is developing thanks to the collaboration of the Obra Social de La Caixa and that allows users to play an active role in the development of activities for the benefit of the community. The project will be developed during the two weeks following the celebration of Christmas Eve and we hope to bring the warmth and affection of our users to a group of people who have given us so much for a long time, such as our elders.

. For Mar a Teresa Mart nez, director of the Aidemar Day Center in San Pedro del Pinatar, this is an initiative “that fills the center's management and technical team with enthusiasm as it highlights the capacity of our Users of having an active and effective intervention for the benefit of the community.

In addition, we are proud that the intervention is carried out with a group so in need of support such as the elderly who they are in a vulnerable situation.

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Source: Agencias

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