Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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Industry presents entrepreneurs pinatarenses aid for energy efficiency and renewable energy (24/02/2016)

The general director of Energy, industrial and mining activity, Esther Marin, accompanied by the mayor of San Javier, Visitation Martinez, visited the facilities of Spanish Salinera locally.

There, the director of the farm, Julio Fernandez, explained the production process of the salt and the specificities of the Salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar.

In this regard, Julio Fernández has stressed the importance of this sector for the local economy for centuries and its environmental role, since the exploitation of the salt is essential to preserve the ecosystem of the Regional Park of Salinas and Arenales.

also showing interest in the company that counseling aid has subsequently presented.

In this regard, the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment presented today to entrepreneurs in San Pedro del Pinatar the call for aid for 2016 included in the 2014/2020 Feder Operational Programme worth 28 million euros.

These grants have a total budget eight times greater than that available in the previous funding period 2007/2013 which was 3.8 million euros, with support for 2015 firms.

For this year, the CSF mobilized by the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment Development will be 2.4 million euros and an estimated 100 companies in the industrial and tertiary sectors to benefit.

In the subsequent meeting held at the Centre for Tourism Initiatives in San Pedro del Pinatar, Esther Marin announced the township entrepreneurs, the plan of aid for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy "These grants will be important for the incorporating many SMEs in the region to industry 4.0, based on the optimization of production processes and saving, cleaning and energy self-generation, "Marin explained the large group of entrepreneurs.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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