The morning plenary will realize 2015 budget showed a tight positive result of 2.6 million eurosy a remnant positive cash estimated at 2.9 million euros.
The plenodelAyuntamientodeSanPedrodelPinatarincluye morning on the agenda, the liquidacióndelpresupuesto 2015, which yielded a positive result adjusted 2.15 million, and a surplus of 774,469 euros.
Councilman Hacienda, José Fernández, explained that with this data budgetary stability policy of recent years, which has resulted in five consecutive years in surplus in the consolidated municipal coffers.
These data fit AjustedelAyuntamientodeSanPedrodelPinatary Plan económicadelconsistorio ensure stability, while reflecting the work of improving the management and controldel spending.
Jose Fernandez has stressed the work done to keep these data despite tax cuts that included the budget of 2015 and said that the City pinatarense "has gone from a situation of economic bankruptcy of an economic stability that allows implement policies social, which are the priority of this government team ".
The plenary will also debate a reconocimientoextrajudicial credit, 141,014.25 euros for expenses for the year 2015 which had no place in the budget and to be included in 2016.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar