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AFAMMER and the City Council train women in socio-health care and ecological production (08/02/2017)

The Association of Families and Rural Women (AFAMMER) and the Department of Equality of San Pedro del Pinatar have coordinated these courses for unemployed women.

The mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitación Martínez, and the president of AFAMMER in Murcia, Carmen English, have delivered today the diplomas to the women attending the courses "Sociosanitaria Antención a personas en el domicilio" and "Ecological productions: horticulture, Medicinal and aromatic plants ".

Visación Martínez has highlighted the importance of training to achieve full equality and integration of women.

He also thanked AFAMMER for the confidence and the work of putting these actions into action.

For her part, Carmen English has praised the collaboration of the City Council and the response of these courses and has reiterated its commitment to continue working, in the hands of the City of San Pedro del Pinatar, in the formation and insertion of women.

A total of 27 women attended these courses, with a total of 70 teaching hours, mainly addressed to unemployed women with basic training.

The Ecological Productions course focused on providing its participants with the necessary knowledge in the field of ecological production and take advantage of this training for job creation and self-employment in this sector in continuous growth and development.

On the other hand, the socio-health care course trained the students in techniques to help people with physical, mental and / or social health needs at home.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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