In fulfillment of the Obligations as Councillor for the Environment and with the sole aim of clarifying and resolving the situation that is affecting many residents of San Pedro del Pinatar and Pilar de la Horadada, have been conducting a series of actions in recent years, efforts to pinpoint the source of nuisance odors of bitumen and its derivatives.
The last of these began in October 2010 when the company commissioned ATISAE (Company with Management Collaborative Environment) conducting a study of contaminant compounds in the atmosphere in the homes of three residents affected by discomfort odors, in order to determine their origin.
In February 2011 the analysis and conclusions were presented to the public (see various press releases appeared in various digital media and written) concluded that the source of the odor came from the factory ASSA.
This measure shows that in any case the actions carried out are for electoral purposes as reflected in some circles, because the study was commissioned earlier and with the sole aim of identifying the problem and seek solutions to the inconvenience suffered by hundreds of residents of this village.
The Department of Environment represented by Mark David Grace, based on these studies, the ruling of Superior Court of Justice, municipal technical reports, etc..
ASSA asked the company to immediately cease the nuisance odors and measures to eliminate them.
ASSA After this, the company has initiated several actions:
1 .- politically discredit the person of Mark David Gracia it is the only politician capable of facing the problem of smells in order to solve it.
2 .- Threatening Marcos Councilman David Grace and Environment denounce him for malfeasance and misuse of power to cow and to desist in their interest to solve the problems of the residents affected.
As there withdrew its obligations to ensure a quality environment and health of the residents, the company ASSA has filed a complaint for breach of trust as reflected in a front page local newspaper.
3 .- Pressure ATISAE company (who made a report showing the source of odors and pollutants) to undertake a counter and change the content of this to hide the true source of odors and chemicals released to the atmosphere.
To do so has even fired the technician who conducted the study for refusing to change the content of the initial report.
We know that ASSA managers and lawyers traveled to Madrid to meet with managers and ask for a counter ATISAE amending the findings of the commissioned by The Department of Environment.
4 .- To request all media echoed the news brought by the Department of Environment in February 2011, which showed that the origins of the odors come from the factory in order to retract on the basis ATISAE new report (not supported by the technician who conducted the study and has been dismissed by the company under pressure from ASSA).
All this is done to erase all traces of the true contents of the report which showed that odors and toxic particles emitted are from the asphalt plant.
Undoubtedly, the factory must comply with all the law and when we say we mean ALL environmental, health, urban planning, etc..
Should also do an exercise in responsibility and put an immediate solution to the problems caused to citizens and not to divert attention to reports in the media (owned), much less manipulate and / or condition to others to change their views, because we are in a state of law.
On the other hand believe that from the point of view of planning of a municipality is inconceivable the existence of an asphalt plant that converts and manages over 12,000 tons of chemicals a year.
Near houses or agricultural activities.
From 1998 until today the company has tripled the area occupied with industrial activity that had been doing since its inception.
As a direct relationship between annoyance to neighbors from odors, noise, etc.
and these extensions.
Since 2005 approximately discomfort begin neighbors.
This date coincides with the maximum expansion of the factory and its manufacturing activity (see image and sequence extensions) based on official flights Cartomur (Autonomous Community of Murcia).
It is in 2008 when an expansion project clearly after the date of execution of works.
That of course is not authorized.
Currently almost all industrial facilities in Southeast Asphalt considered outside of management from the planning point of view as reported by municipal technicians.
We believe that the planning department must act decisively because it is a proven nuisance activity that affects hundreds of people and should not stand so close to urban centers.
In the preamble to the law of the Land in the Region of Murcia says:
"Special emphasis on management tools and planning, and environmental protection and heritage, as the need to create a city, an area of ​​more sustainable relationship and living together is one of the biggest challenges of the XXI century . With regard to environmental responsibilities, special care is taken in which the various instruments guaranteeing respect to the physical, environmental and cultural heritage of society and Murcia. "
We can also see that the activities were classified as management have generated an economic benefit over the years and have also been repeat and that have done work without a license in successive phases in 2008 sought legal.
See articles 236 and 241 of the Land Law of the Region of Murcia.
"Article 236 .- Prohibition of financial gain. In any case the urban infraction can result in economic benefits for the offender, so that the sanction to be imposed on it can not be less than the profit for the illegal conduct."
Article 241 .- Aggravating and mitigating circumstances.
Aggravating circumstances are responsible for a violation planning:
a) The recidivism.
There recidivism when committed an infringement of the same type as that which led to a penalty earlier in the term of four years following the notification thereof, in such case, require the sanction decision has become final.
It makes thinking and may even seem paradoxical this illegal urban committed when your manager is a lawyer and had detailed suppose the planning regulations.
We believe from the Department of Environment that the steps taken since 2001 with a view to reclassify the land to "fit" a clearly secondary or industrial activity (as it transforms raw materials such as bitumen and asphalt, processed products), which also handles products dangerous chemicals, etc.
is not the most suitable for good urban planning because the people do not meet the above objectives of the Land Law of the Region of Murcia.
Especially when trying to reconcile an activity of this type with the service, shopping malls and even residential.
Will undoubtedly believe that tensions between neighbors, workers or users of adjacent facilities reflected in the draft Plan that aims to develop in the area in order to legalize the installation of the asphalt plant.
The responsibility for these conflicts will only be conducted or promoted to the evil law of that land, I mean, the Municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar.
No doubt if this plan is adopted will create significant conflicts between users and owners of adjacent areas.
And it has nothing to do with the objectives of the Land Law of the Region of Murcia to create an environment of respect and more sustainable living.
Mark David Gracia Antolinos and his team, which included environmental technicians, lawyers, etc..
becomes widely available to interested persons (individuals, associations, political parties, professional media, etc..) to get the real story that surrounds this issue of the asphalt plant and the obvious nuisance odors residents of San Pedro del Pinatar and Pilar de la Horadada.
Source: Unión de Centro Pinatar, UCPi