Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


Taxis in San Pedro del Pinatar renew and unify its image (29/07/2011)

The mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitation Martinez, Councilman Transport, Guillermo Garcia, and Secretary of the City Taxi Association, José Antonio Jiménez, today unveiled the new logo identification of these vehicles

Taxis in San Pedro del Pinatar has renewed its image with a logo larger and more visible on a red stripe that appears with the municipality name and emblem superimposed over the silhouette of the Region of Murcia.

In addition, the cars look the new logo on the front doors to make them more visible to customers, in addition, the model used is similar to what has already been implemented in other municipalities Murcia, in order to unify the image of the sector at regional.

In this regard, the mayor of the municipality has indicated that this change is made at the request of the association of taxi drivers in the city and aims to promote the sector and enhance its image among residents and visitors.

Councillor for Transport has stressed the importance of such initiatives, it marks a first step in creating a metropolitan area service, the main claim of the drivers in the area.

For his part, Secretary of the Association of Taxi San Pedro, José Antonio Jiménez, has indicated that this new image will encourage users to recognize, more easily, taxis and thanked the City Council support this change.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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