Without trying to be alarmist, I express my deep concern about the current situation of the municipal coffers in the city of San Pedro del Pinatar.
A bad news given the current council of finance in the past full, and confirmed by the audit report, which put our debt to suppliers in more than € 31 million at June 30, 2011, is added the news that the bad management of companies collecting almost € 2 million others have been injured and are worthless today, which should be low in the forecast of revenue and become less supported as a short-term income for municipal coffers.
Although it has announced the opening application file to those responsible for this atrocity and the retention of the collateral, it is true that these do not cover even 10% of the paper concerned, and the recovery of the lost task seems nigh impossible.
Another source of concern is the multiple convictions who is receiving the corporation's various claims to the Town Hall in several lawsuits where there is reason to neighbors in their claims, and they naturally have priority over other payment of bills due.
We know the actual intent of the corporation to reduce current expenditures, as far as possible, and try to carry out a policy of austerity.
We do not have enough data to know exactly how much debt crept in 2007 (PP governments) and how much has been made in the last four years with the PSOE government in coalition with the former UCPI.
We hope and wish that this data is cleared by the audit has been commissioned by the government team today, despite warnings from the Court of Auditors that only he is legally qualified to adjudicate the validity of the data resulting from any audit and give an official value.
In no way want to minimize the work he has begun the PP, at least at first glance, as positive and successful because its austere lines coincide with the IPR (Democracy Pinatarense) and we argued in our election campaign .
The reasons are fairly easy to understand: a budget extended since 2007 and inflated revenues, expenditures have been impossible to fill for this revenue reduction have been through the crisis.
Now, after closing the 2010 budget deficit millionaires and 2011, recovery will be much slower.
The real shame of this sad situation is that you saw or did not want to see or remedied by a motion of censure by the PP when he had the chance.
Question that has been performed for two and a half years had been much smaller impact, and what is now a headache for our neighbors, including those who govern us would have been reduced to one third, and today would be virtually solved much less restricted policy for the development of our City in the near future.
Lucas José Antonio Albaladejo
DPI spokesman
Source: Democracia Pinatarense