Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The City and Ecoembes games encourage the reuse and recycling of waste (04/02/2013)

The Department of Environment and Ecoembes entity have taken place during the past few weeks an awareness campaign with students of primary schools in the municipality

Reduce waste production, reuse and help promote recycling, are the objectives of the campaign conducted by the Department of Environment in collaboration with the nonprofit entity Ecoembes, aimed at primary school children in the municipality.

Thus, through dynamic and entertaining games, reported a total of 286 children on proper waste management and small actions you can take to reduce and promote recycling.

This activity in schools Township joins other actions launched in 2012 by the Department of Environment in collaboration with Ecoembes management system, such as information campaigns on radio, information posters and talks at local Ecopark.

The purpose of these actions is to clarify concepts about waste disposal and make known to the public the benefits of recycling pinatarense to improve collaboration of neighbors in the collection.

During 2012 there have been a total of 222.58 tons of light packaging (plastic, cans and cartons), to be found in the yellow, the collection of paper and cardboard stands at 223.72 tons, and the glass at 380.37 tons.

These data reflect an increase in the recycling of glass and light packaging, while lowering the amount of paper and cardboard placed in the blue, a trend that has occurred in recent years.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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