REAL MURCIA: Fernando, Miller, Truyols, Oscar Sanchez, Adan, Eddy, Acciari, Tete, Saul, Ivan Moreno and Kike.
Also played Simon, Pedro Alcalá, Samuel, Mauro, Albiol, Saura, Mario, Omar and Liam.
Coach: July Velázquez
XÁTIVA OLIMPIC James, Ramon, Pepin, Samu, Denis, Rifaterra, Franch Pau, Marenya, Cowboy, Peris and Mendoza.
Also played Terol, Ballester, Marcos, Jordi, Belda, David and Revert.
Coach: Toni Aparicio.
Goals: 1-0 Minute 41.
Referee: Nicholas Mirror, Low and Power Tristante Torrano.
All committee Murcia.
Subs: 1,200 spectators at Arena Pinatar.
The Real Murcia has Olimpic Xativa tax thanks to Saul Berjón goal-kick to 3 minutes before the break.
The Julio Velasquez had opportunities in the first half to extend the lead, but they found a computer and brave Olimpic.
The second part of the game lacked clear chances with Real Murcia dominator and Xativa who merely seek the backlash as the main offensive weapon.
Source: Pinatar Arena