The Department of Employment and Training and Development Agency of the Region of Murcia (INFO) held in the municipality workshops, seminars and conferences
City Council SanPedro del Pinatar, through the Department of Education yEmpleo, and INFO, under the Ministry of Industry, Enterprise and Innovation, have developed a program actuacionesorientadas to promote the competitiveness of small and medianasempresas the municipality.
Thus, from March 20 trade sobrenuevasideas workshops and mini franchise success stories comercioelectrónico, minimarket platforms will be developed, and how they actualizardatos room and in the web portal "products from Murcia Spain".
Through these workshops tools for promoting SMEs comercioelectrónico between abordaránlas you enplataformas grouping and encouraging the most appropriate tools to elposicionamiento social networks.
Entreotras performances a conference on access Almerco mini franchises for small businesses and entrepreneurs will be coordinated, and is being developed along the SEF, the program JornadasEmpresariales III of San Pedro del Pinatar.
Estasactuaciones be integrated into a set of initiatives quecontemplará of a collaboration agreement "MunicipioEmprendedor" between INFO and the City, which will support the business sector comoobjetivo pinatarense for it to be másmoderno and competitive.
Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar