Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The House of San Pedro del Pinatar supports the Municipal Bank Books (03/07/2014)

The City will assign a local, furniture, computer equipment, as well as a minimum and expandable 5,000 euros for the implementation of the Municipal Bank books, driven by FAPA.

The municipal council of San Pedro del Pinatar has today approved a proposal to ratify the popular group the Council's commitment to the FAPA and implementation of municipal bank books.

The City shall assign to the FAPA Pinatar, composed Associations of Parents of students in state schools in the municipality, a local, furniture and computer equipment for the installation of this bench book.

Likewise, through the Department of Education, an economic, scalable and low endowment of 5,000 euros, which may be increased depending on the availability of budgetary aid starting this council will be awarded.

The mayor of the branch, Guadalupe Garcia, explained that since the beginning of the term has remained workshops with AMPAS municipality for the implementation of bank books, which individually had already launched several centers and congratulated FAPA for their commitment to this initiative.

The new bank will request a specific computer program that will facilitate the collection and distribution of material properly.

In addition to this measure, the city has ratified the Council's commitment to the aid already granted to non-mandatory training, such as early childhood education, and school, as well as gifted students and excellent in studies, and the university, by maintaining transport aid.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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