Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The City appreciates the dedication of the volunteers for a better municipality (05/12/2014)

San Pedro del Pinatar has celebrated the International Volunteer Day in a ceremony which recognized the altruistic work, for three years, played more than a hundred local volunteers

The mayor of San Pedro del Pinatar, Visitation Martinez, and Councilman Volunteering, Álvaro Tárraga, today praised the dedication and willingness to help others of hundred people who participated in the Municipal Plan "Discover the best of you , become a volunteer, "created in 2012.

The council has stressed that the commitment and hope for a better world are the values ​​that motivate these volunteers who, for three years, contributing to change the municipality through small actions in the social and civic realm.

Álvaro Tárraga explained how three years ago this plan local volunteering, to be adhering dozens of people with different interests and different skills arises.

Since 2012 there have been more than a hundred volunteers who have contributed their time and willingness to such and initiatives, ranging from accompanying elderly or dependent in homes or residences to assist in the municipal museum, through activities and workshops Schools, libraries, sporting events, social integration projects, disability, etc.

Thus, in these three years the City has signed cooperation agreements to extend the scope of this plan local volunteer with the University of Murcia, Senior residences of the municipality or the Federation of Roma, among others.

The local volunteers are also involved with associations of local and area as AFEM and AIDEMAR or the Alzheimer's Association of Mar Menor.

For its part, the mayor has highlighted the illusion that demonstrate volunteers in various roles every day for the benefit of others.

Visitation Martinez thanked the dedication of the volunteers, attended the ceremony and reiterated the Council's commitment to improve and expand this social project.

The event ended with the presentation of a small gift to each volunteer and appreciation for the important role they perform in the city and a guided tour by two volunteers, the archaeological and ethnographic museum Baron of Benifayó.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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