Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


Community support the renovation of 191 Led lights in San Pedro del Pinatar (12/01/2015)

Announce the launch this year of a shuttle Job

The Community will support the renovation and energy improvement of outdoor lighting of the main streets of San Pedro del Pinatar with an investment of 150,000 euros, announced today the Minister of Presidency and Employment, José Gabriel Ruiz, after the meeting I had with the mayor This municipality, Visitation Martinez, in which both highlighted the activation of the Plan of Works and Community Services in municipalities.

This action will save money for the municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar, given the improvement in energy efficiency involves the installation of 191 LED lights.

José Gabriel Ruiz also announced the launch of a shuttle employment in the municipality as head region this year, noting that "these shuttles are a new concept in social intervention to unemployment, which is based on cooperation and mutual assistance in finding employment and who are having very good rates of employment ".

The methodology of the shuttles employment is based on coaching, so that a central manager develops the role of leader and facilitator of the group.

The ultimate goal is to improve the employability from a perspective that puts the unemployed in an active, shared and supportive position on the great challenges imposed by the current situation.

Currently, 60 young unemployed under 35 shuttles integrate employment and solidarity enterprises operating in Murcia, Cartagena and Lorca.

The Ministry intends to extend its methodology to other unemployed groups, and counties in the region.

Involvement in spreading the Youth Guarantee

The Minister and the Mayor emphasized employment data for San Pedro del Pinatar last year, in which unemployment fell above the national and regional average reaching a decline of 7 percent.

"Reducing unemployment in 200 leads to positively evaluate the Employment Plan of the municipality and continue with it shining into two areas: youth employment and long-term unemployed," said José Gabriel Ruiz, who highlighted the involvement of the City San Pedro del Pinatar in disseminating measures and incentives that include the Strategy for Employment Creation in the Region.

"The offices of the municipal youth are the first stop for those under 25 years report on the Youth Employment Guarantee, and may enter the circuit which provides advice and training program," said Ruiz.

Moreover, the Minister said that the mayor asked to join the project transparent municipality, "because they are very active in this area and have a Department of Participation and Volunteering other".

Source: CARM

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