Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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González Tovar opened the conference on the Practice of Citizenship (06/03/2009)

The government delegate in the Region of Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, opened this afternoon the Second Block on "The Practice of Citizenship.

Encourage participation in the City "in the" Second Conference Participation "organized by the municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar.

In this block have participated as speakers Odon Elorza, mayor of San Sebastian, Joan Subirats, Professor of Political Science and Administration, and Fernando Pinder, Assistant Director General for Citizen Participation at the Local Level in Barcelona.

During his speech, González Tovar stressed that after thirty years of democracy, our country must move forward in promoting citizen participation.

"To advance the participation to the government of each of our institutions is to advance democracy in our country, while we make it ours," said the delegate.

On the other hand, González Tovar, said that the municipal administration is the most you can progress in this area through the development of experiences that take place in some Spanish cities with the launch of the Forum for Citizen Participation, in the representation of the social movements and associations involved in various sectors of our society, and take part in a decision-making in developing more participatory budgeting and the creation of the Municipal Social Councils in the important areas of municipal management as well as the development of Municipal Regulations for Citizen Participation, which regulates the rights of petition, information, public hearings, participation in plenary sessions and committees, citizens' initiatives.

Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia

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