Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


It takes place on public parking agreement between the Planning Department of San Pedro del Pinatar and Unión Progreso y Democracia (19/04/2010)

Following complaints by training on the status of two public car parks, the Town Planning of San Pedro del Pinatar, Felix Garcia, met with their representatives in the Town Hall.

At that meeting it was agreed signal marks the largest parking car parks in the town, next to the mall Sánchez, and expanding the parking of the Health Center.

Both works very necessary as training, due to the narrowness of the entrance to the parking at the medical center and the broad scope of which is in the center of town, which meant that many cars parked haphazardly and produced numerous issues and come to be occasionally caught some vehicles.

A few days ago began the work of both parking and already finished the car park from the town center, consisting of 87 parking spaces, many of them disabled, and there is little to be completion of the medical center.

UPyD appreciates the willingness of the Department of Planning, as ignoring their suggestions benefit the residents of the municipality in general.

Source: UPyD San Pedro del Pinatar

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