Portal de San Pedro del Pinatar


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detail of San Pedro del Pinatar


The protagonist, the book (26/04/2010)

Theaters, workshops, games, storytelling, lectures and film, completed the program of the Book Fair of San Pedro del Pinatar, organized by the Department of Culture and Celebration and the range of activities took to the streets in order to capture the care devoradotes current and future readers letters.

Thus, for example to celebrate World Book Day, various information booths were moved to the Square to bid up stories for all tastes it in the street were also organized games, and storytelling workshops for young audiences.

The Municipal Library of San Pedro and Lo Pagan is filled with puppets and "stories coming out of the Books" is the film "Inkheart" and to coincide with World Book Day, April 23, there was an interesting conference entitled "The Spanish Still Life in the Prado."

Finally, poetry put the icing on the Book Fair with lyrics by Machado, Lorca, León Felipe, and a diverse group of Castilian poets dramatized by students of the Theatre Workshop under the direction of Pedro Segura.

Source: Ayuntamiento de San Pedro del Pinatar

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